Man and woman discussing business opportunities at the 2017 VetCon in Albany, NY.

Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business Certification

How to Get Your Business Certified
Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business Certification

Certification Eligibility

  • The business must be independently owned and operated and have a significant business presence in New York State.
  • One or more service-disabled veterans, with a service-connected disability rating of 10% or more from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (or from the New York State Division of Veterans’ Affairs for National Guard veterans), must own at least 51% of the business.
  • Service-disabled veteran ownership must be real, substantial, and continuing.
  • The eligible service-disabled veteran owner(s) must have (and exercise) authority to independently control the day-to-day business decisions.
  • The business must qualify as a small business* under the New York State program.
  • The business must be located in New York State or have a significant business presence* in New York State.
  • See additional eligibility requirements in New York Codes, Rules and Regulations Part 252 Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business Enterprise Program:


What qualifies as a small business* in New York State?
New York State small business minimum eligibility requirements:

  • The business is independently owned and operated
  • The business has no more than 300 employees and has a significant business presence in the state but is not dominant in the field.

If you have any questions about this eligibility requirement, contact OGS at 518-474-2015.


What qualifies as a significant business presence* in new york state?
As defined by the NYS SDVOB program rules and regulations, the business must be authorized to do business in New York State, and make a contribution to the New York State economy through:

  • the payment of taxes
  • the purchase of made in New York State construction, construction services, non-construction services, technology, commodities or products
  • any payroll in New York State.


See More FAQs

Step 1: Log In or Create an Account

Certification Application Now Online!

Go to the NEW Service-Disabled Veterans' Enterprise System and click on the "Certify or Manage my Business" or the Login button in the top right corner of your screen:


Service-Disabled Veterans' Enterprise System


Existing Users - WATCH How to Log Into the Portal

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How to Log Into the Service-Disabled Veterans' Enterprise System


New Users - WATCH How to Create an Account

If you created a new account, an email will be sent for you to make a password. Once you have created the password return to the SDVOB Application and log in with your newly established username and password.

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How to Create a NY.Gov Account

Step 2: Fill Out the Online Application

Once you've successfully logged into the system, click on the "SDVOB Certification" button on the left side under "Portal Navigation" and follow the instructions for each section of the application.


WATCH how to fill out each of the 3 primary sections of the application:

1. Business Information

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Business Information

2. Applicant Information

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Applicant Infomation

3. Financial Information

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Financial Information

Step 3: Review, Attest, Sign & Submit

Complete the attestation and electronic signature and submit the application. If there is more than one owner, emails will automatically be sent to all additional owners to get them to attest and electronically sign the application. Once that has been completed, the application may be submitted.


WATCH How to Review, Attest, and Collection Signatures

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Review Application, Attest, and Sign

Contact Division of Service-Disabled Veterans' Business Development

At any time during the submission process, the application may be saved, and you will be returned to where you left off when you sign in again.

If you have any difficulties or questions, please reach out to the Division at [email protected] or call (518) 474-2015.

Contact us by phone:

Phone: 518-474-2015

Contact us by email:

Mailing Address:

32nd Floor, Corning Tower

Empire State Plaza

Albany, NY 12242