All OGS-managed state office buildings are equipped with automated external defibrillators (AEDs) required by Public Buildings Law, Section 140; and Title 9 NYCRR. OGS:
- Manages AEDs in all OGS-managed buildings.
- Provides AED first responder training for OGS and agency tenants in OGS-managed buildings.
- Maintains AEDs on state contract for purchase by eligible users
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Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is a condition in which the heart stops beating suddenly and unexpectedly due to a malfunction in the heart’s electrical system. The only effective treatment for SCA is to deliver an electrical shock using a device called a defibrillator, which stops the chaotic rhythm of the heart and gives it the chance to start beating again with a normal rhythm. Although not everyone treated with an AED can be saved, an AED may be the difference between life and death for someone stricken with SCA.
All state agency employees are invited to become an AED first responder and be trained in how to administer CPR and use an AED in the event of an medical emergency. Classes are offered regularly: