Municipalities & Local Governments
Local governments do not follow the same government procurement laws as state agencies. Instead, their purchasing process is shaped by General Municipal Law and whatever policies and procedures that the local government adopts. There are several types of procurement for local entities to consider:
- Piggybacking on existing contracts. This means that you can receive the same services and commodities as the contract holders at the same price.
- Conducting your own procurement. This form of competitive bidding requires you to follow not only your own rules and regulations but that of General Municipal Law. Contracts are awarded on a basis of best value and lowest bidder. To learn more check out the OSC Local Government Management Guide: Seeking Competition in Procurement (PDF).
- Cooperative purchasing. This is when two or more local entities seek to purchase goods or services together, resulting in greater purchasing power and cost savings. Any city, town, village, county, fire or school district, BOCES, and improvement districts can sign an intergovernmental cooperative agreement to seek procurement together.
For questions and resources related to state guidelines for local government procurement, please consult the Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) today.
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