Intent to Award Notification

At the time that Procurement Services makes a determination of the intent to award a procurement contract, the following is posted on this page:

  1. For procurement contracts let by the invitation for bid (IFB) process, the result of the bid opening, including the names of bidding firms, the amounts bid by each firm, and the tentative awardee(s);
  2. For procurement contracts let by the request for proposal (RFP) process, the names of firms submitting proposals and the proposal(s) tentatively selected as the best value offer; and
  3. For all other procurement contracts, the name of the proposed awardee(s).

Notice of Intent to Award is also posted on the applicable advertisement page in the New York State Contract Reporter. Make sure to also visit our bid calendar to see when bid openings will be and a description of the procurement, as well as our bid opening results page to see what bids were received. 


Reminder:  Procurements listed on this page are still in a restricted period until awards have been issued and therefore are subject to Procurement Lobbying Law. Further information about this law can be found on the webpage for the Advisory Council on Procurement Lobbying.

The notifications on this page may no longer be “tentative.” You can check to see if awards have been finalized by entering the 5-digit award number in the Search box above the list of current centralized contract awards.


For additional assistance with this page, please contact Procurement Services at [email protected] or call (518) 474-6717.


Tentative Award Updates
Gasoline and E-85 (Statewide)2025-01-232334405600
Heavy Equipment Snow and Ice (Statewide)2025-01-172334540625
Buses, Transit (Adult Passenger)(Statewide)2025-01-172330640523
Recycled Copy Paper (Statewide)2024-12-272333550211
School & Art Supplies (Statewide)2024-10-182329723100
Fresh Bread (Statewide)2024-09-232331902450
Snow & Ice Control Agents (Statewide)2024-09-162335732100
Road Salt, Treated Salt, & Emergency Standby Road Salt (Statewide)2024-08-222335801800
Cybersecurity Legal Services (Statewide)2024-08-212333154155
School & Art Supplies (Statewide)2024-08-012329723100
Miscellaneous Office Supplies (Statewide)2024-05-312327323000
Paper Roll Stock for Offset and Digital Printing (Albany Area Agencies)2024-05-222332350208
Bituminous Concrete Asphalt Mixtures (2024 VPP NYSDOT Specific Projects) (Federal & State Funds)2024-05-082334031503
School & Art Supplies (Statewide)2024-04-172329723100
Liquid Bituminous Materials (2024 VPP NYSDOT Specific Projects)2024-04-092333931555
Comprehensive Liquid Bituminous Materials (Statewide)2024-03-292333431555
Industrial and Commercial Supplies and Equipment (Statewide)2024-01-222326239000
Advanced Scientific Equipment & Instruments (Statewide)2024-01-192331338700
Vehicles, Class 1-8 (Statewide)2023-20-122316640440
Furniture, All Types (Except Hospital Room and Patient Handling) (Statewide)2023-11-212329520915
Industrial and Commercial Supplies and Equipment (Statewide)2023-10-272326239000
Voting Systems and Related Services and Accessories2023-10-1823198 - PR122300
Natural Gas (Firm Supply) (Specific Locations Within National Grid Territories)2023-10-052332105900
Fuel Oil, Heating (Grades #2, #6, Kerosene and Bioheating Fuel) (Statewide)2023-09-222328705500
Industrial and Commercial Supplies and Equipment (Statewide)2023-09-072326239000
Road Salt, Treated Salt, & Emergency Standby Road Salt (Statewide)2023-08-242331501800
Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel & Biodiesel Fuel (On-Road Use Only) (Certain Counties)2023-08-102329805602
Bituminous Concrete Asphalt Mixtures (2023 VPP NYSDOT Specific Projects – 2nd Letting) (Federal & State Funds)2023-07-132330831503
Vehicles, Class 1-8 (Statewide)2023-06-282316640440
Liquid Bituminous Materials (Federal & State Funds)2023-06-232330931555
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) -Propane (Statewide)2023-05-312328305800
Vehicles, Class 1-8 (Statewide)2023-05-182316640440
Vehicles, Class 1-8 (Statewide)2023-04-172316640440
Vehicles, Class 1-8 (Statewide)2023-04-122316640440
Liquid Bituminous Materials (2023 VPP NYSDOT Specific Projects) (Federal & State Funds)2023-03-212329331555
Bituminous Concrete Asphalt Mixtures (2023 VPP NYSDOT Specific Projects) (Federal & State Funds)2023-03-212329231503
Comprehensive Bituminous Concrete (Asphalt Mix and Cold Patch) (Statewide)2023-03-212329131502
School Buses (Statewide)2022-11-152325440524
Fuel Oil, Heating (Grades #2, #4, #6, Kerosene and Bioheating Fuel) (Statewide)2022-11-012327405500
Pharmaceuticals (Individual Prescriptions), (Statewide and Regional)2022-09-282324110201


As a reminder, all state agencies are required to post bid opportunities on the New York State Contract Reporter. Make sure to sign up today.