DISCLAIMER: This listing pertains to commonly used acronyms, words, and phrases associated with the NYS Office of General Services centralized procurement program and is not inclusive of every acronym, word, or phrase used within this program or in other government procurement programs. General definitions are provided for reference only.
Acronym | Term | Definition |
1122 | The 1122 Program, owned and managed by the Department of Defense (DOD), allows states and units of local government access to alternative federal sources of supply to purchase equipment to support counter-drug, Homeland Security, and emergency response activities. In NYS the program is managed by the State Point of Contact (SPOC) in coordination with the DOD | |
ACH | Automated Clearing House | Automated Clearing House (ACH) is a nationwide electronic network for the transfer of funds from one bank account to an account in another bank. |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act | The ADA is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the public. The purpose of the law is to make sure that people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else. State contracts include ADA clauses. |
AFV | Alternative Fuel Vehicle | An Alternate Fuel Vehicle is a self-propelled vehicle that does not use fossil fuels (or uses a power source in addition to fossil fuels – such as a hybrid). |
AG | Attorney General | Attorney General of the State of New York, also referred to as the Office of the Attorney General (OAG). The Attorney General is the head of the Department of Law. |
ANSI | American National Standards Institut | An organization established to promote the knowledge and voluntary use of approved standards for industry, engineering, and safety design. |
ARO | After Receipt of Order | ARO stands for After Receipt of Order and further helps to clarify delivery and payment terms by specifically stating when the payment timeline begins. |
ASTM | American Society for Testing and Materials | The American Society for Testing and Materials is an organization that develops and publishes standard specifications on various products. |
AU | Authorized User(s) | Agencies, or any other entity authorized by the laws of the State of New York to participate in NYS centralized contracts (including but not limited to political subdivisions, public authorities, public benefit corporations, and certain other entities set forth in law). |
B1184 | Budget Bulletin 1184 | NYS Division of Budget guidance and form related to Agency Spending Controls: Processes and Approval Requirements. Provides agencies guidance about for what and when DOB pre-approval is required. |
BAFO | Best and Final Offer | In competitive negotiation, the final proposal submitted after negotiations are completed that contains the vendor’s most favorable terms for price and services or product to be delivered. |
BATNA | Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement | BATNA describes the option for a negotiator if agreement cannot be reached. It proposes that a negotiator who must reach a deal is in a weaker position than a negotiator who has an alternative option. So, it is not necessarily your ideal outcome--unless your ideal outcome is something you can get without the cooperation of the other person. It is the best you can do without them. BATNA is the standard against which any proposed agreement should be measured. |
BLS | Bureau of Labor Statistics | The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) of the U.S. Department of Labor is a Federal agency that measures and reports labor market activity, working conditions and price changes in the economy. Various indices such as CPI, PPI. |
BOCES | Boards of Cooperative Educational Services | In 1948, the New York State legislature created Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) to provide shared educational programs and services to school districts within the state. Today there are 37 BOCES that are partnering with nearly all of the state’s school districts to help meet students’ evolving educational needs through cost-effective and relevant programs. |
BPA | Blanket Purchase Agreement | A simplified procurement method of filling the anticipated repetitive needs for supplies or services through the award of competitive line item contracts or catalog discount contracts. Most often associated with GSA schedules. |
BRIM | Bureau of Risk & Insurance Management | The Bureau of Risk & Insurance Management (BRIM) is responsible for assisting state agencies with insurance procurement and guidance on insurance for centralized contracts. |
BSC | Business Services Center | OGS unit providing human resource services (such as payroll services, personnel transactions, payroll, time & attendance), and financial services (accounts payable, accounts receivable, purchasing, etc.) to hosted agencies. |
CAL | Contract Award Letter | A letter of confirmation on the Lots, Regions, Projects, etc. that identifies and sets forth the order of precedence of the required documents that comprise a contract being awarded to a successful bidder(s). By signing a Contract Award Letter, the awardee agrees that their contract is comprised of the required contract documents. |
CAN | Contract Award Notification | An announcement to authorized users that a contract has been established. The CAN document contains the basic information required for an authorized user to make use of the contract. |
CANU | Contract Award Notification Update | A Contract Award Notification Update (aka Purchasing Memorandum) is the notification document used by Procurement Services to announce an adjustment, modification, extension, or cancellation of a solicitation or contract. There are different versions available for Solicitations, existing contracts, and general information. |
CJIS | Criminal Justice Information Services Security Policy |
The Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Security Policy represents a shared responsibility between the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and CJIS System Agencies (CSA) and State Identification Bureau (SIB). For the state of New York, the NY State Police is the CSA, and the Department of criminal justice is the SIB. The policy covers the roles and responsibilities for the FBI and the CSA and service providers covered under a CJIS security addendums and CJSI management control agreements.
CL | Circular Letter | Circular Letters are sequentially numbered communications used to announce new initiatives and general information not specifically related to a term contract. Circular Letters may have a broad or limited distribution. |
Cloud | Cloud Computing |
A general term for the delivery of hosted services over the internet. See IaaS, PaaS, SaaS. |
COB | Close of Business | The end of the business day; sometimes used to specify when an event will occur. |
COD | Cash on Delivery | A payment term indicating cash is due when goods are delivered. |
COLA | Cost of Living Adjustment | An adjustment to a nominal payment tied to the rate of inflation. A Cost-of-Living Adjustment increases the underlying nominal payment so that it keeps pace with, but does not run ahead of, inflation. |
CONUS | Continental United States | The 48 contiguous States, and the District of Columbia. |
COOP | Cooperative Purchasing or Cooperative Procurement | COOP is a term referring to the combining of requirements of two or more public procurement entities to leverage the benefits of volume purchases, delivery and supply chain advantages, best practices, and the reduction of administrative time and expenses. Cooperative procurement efforts may result in contracts that other entities may “piggyback” (see PGB definition). |
COTS | Commercial Off-The-Shelf | A COTS product is one that is used "as-is." COTS products are designed to be easily installed and to interoperate with existing system components. Almost all software bought by the average computer user fits into the COTS category: operating systems, office product suites, word processing, and e-mail programs are among the myriad examples. Does not include Custom Software. |
CPCM | Certified Professional Contract Manager | A certification issued to qualified individuals by the National Contract Management Association. |
CPI | Consumer Price Index | CPI is a measure of the change in the average price of consumer goods & services. CPI targets goods and services bought for consumption by US residents, including imports, and considers taxes and sale prices because these factors directly impact the consumer in the price they pay. It is a numerical figure published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and often used as an index to allow contractual price changes. (See also PPI and PI.) |
CPO | Chief Procurement Officer | Is responsible for leading the centralized Procurement Services division of OGS. |
CPPB | Certified Professional Public Buyer | A certification issued to qualified individuals by the Universal Public Procurement Certification Council (UPPCC). The CPPB level applies to individuals who have demonstrated prescribed levels of professional competency as a buyer in public and governmental purchasing, and not required to meet the additional managerial function requirement for CPPO. |
CPPO | Certified Public Procurement Officer | A certification issued to qualified individuals by the Universal Public Procurement Certification Council (UPPCC). The CPPO level applies to individuals who have demonstrated prescribed levels of professional competency as a buyer in public and governmental purchasing, and additional requirements needed to manage certified buyers. |
CR | Continuous Recruitment | Continuous Recruitment is when OGS Procurement will accept, evaluate, and award bid proposals for an established contract on a continuous basis. |
CRM | Customer Relationship Management | Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a term that refers to practices, strategies and technologies use to manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle, with the goal of improving business relationships with customers, assisting in customer retention and improving customer satisfaction. CRM systems are designed to compile information on customers across different channels — or points of contact between the customer and the company — which could include the company's website, telephone, live chat, direct mail, marketing materials and social media. CRM systems can also give customer-facing staff detailed information on customers' personal information, purchase history, buying preferences and concerns. |
DB | Disability Benefits | Disability Benefits are temporary cash benefits paid to an eligible wage earner, when he/she is disabled by an off the job injury or illness. The Disability Benefits Law (Article 9 of the WCL) provides weekly cash benefits to replace, in part, wages lost due to injuries or illnesses that do not arise out of or in the course of employment (WCL §204). Disability benefits are also paid to an unemployed worker to replace unemployment insurance benefits lost because of illness or injury (WCL §207). Coverage for disability benefits can be obtained through a disability benefits insurance carrier who is authorized by the New York State Workers' Compensation Board to write such policies. Another option is for large employers to become authorized by the Board to self-insure (WCL §211). Bidders interested in submitting proposals for bid solicitations are required to provide proof of Worker’s Compensation at the time of a Bid submission. |
DC | Designated Contact | State employee(s), designated at the time that a restricted period is imposed, who are knowledgeable about the procurement and who may be contacted by offerers relative to the governmental procurement. |
DLA | Defense Logistics Agency | The Defense Logistics Agency manages the global supply chain – from raw materials to end user to disposition – for the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, 10 combatant commands, other federal agencies, and partner and allied nations. NYS utilizes DLA as one of the alternate sources of supply for the 1122 Program (see 1122 definition). |
DQ | Disqualification | A fact or condition that disqualifies someone from a position or activity, or in the case of procurement, a bidder from further award consideration. |
DMWBD | Division of Minority and Women's Business Development | The Division of Minority and Women’s Business Development’s mission is to promote equality of economic opportunities for MWBEs and to eliminate barriers to their participation in state contracts. The DMWBD supplements New York State's economic leadership with information and resources that increase access to information and opportunities for minority and women-owned businesses throughout the state. Their key objectives are to encourage & assist state agencies to award a fair share of contracts to MWBEs, review applications by businesses seeking certification & maintain a directory of certified MWBEs, and promote the business development of MWBEs through education and outreach to NYS agencies as well as MWBEs. |
DOL | Department of Labor | The federal and state agencies responsible for many aspects of employer and employee work conditions. |
EA | Enterprise Agreement | A grant of unlimited rights to deploy, access, use, and execute Product anywhere within the Enterprise up to the maximum capacity stated on the purchase order or in the contract. Often, but not exclusively, used in conjunction with software. |
EBT | Electronic Benefit Transfer | An electronic system allowing the State or other governmental entity to issue financial benefits (food stamps, unemployment benefits, aid to dependent children, etc.) via a payment card. |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange | EDI is the transfer of data from one computer system to another by standardized message formatting, without the need for human intervention. EDI permits multiple companies -- possibly in different countries -- to exchange documents electronically. Data can be exchanged through serial links and peer-to-peer networks, though most exchanges currently rely on the Internet. In procurement, EDI or similar technology is used for electronic invoicing and payments. |
EEO | Equal Employment Opportunity | Laws & policies intended to prevent discrimination against employees or applicants for employment because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability or marital status. The promotion of conscientious and active efforts to employ and utilize minority group members and women in the workforce on State contracts. |
EFT | Electronic Funds Transfer | Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is a system of transferring money from one bank account directly to another without any paper money changing hands. One of the most widely-used EFT programs is Direct Deposit, in which payroll is deposited straight into an employee's bank account, although EFT refers to any transfer of funds initiated through an electronic terminal, including credit card, ATM, Fedwire and point-of-sale (POS) transactions. It is used for both credit transfers, such as payroll payments, and for debit transfers, such as mortgage payments. State payment card and EVT programs utilize EFT. |
EIN | Employer Identification Number | The number assigned to a business unit or individual for purposes of withholding tax. (Also known as: FEIN - Federal Employer Identification Number). |
ERP | Enterprise Resource Planning | An enterprise-wide, integrated system for managing business processes across multiple disciplines and locations. |
ESD | Empire State Development | The Empire State Development’s mission is to promote a vigorous and growing state economy, encourage business investment and job creation, and support diverse, prosperous local economies across New York State through the efficient use of loans, grants, tax credits, real estate development, marketing and other forms of assistance. |
EO | Executive Order | An order issued by a government's executive based on authority specifically granted to the executive branch. A number of state contracts have provisions addressing applicable executive orders (an example is contracts for green cleaning products). |
EPEAT | Electronic Products Environmental Assessment Tool | A ranking of the green attributes of computer equipment. The ranking is based on criteria such as the device's power management capabilities, the amount of hazardous material it contains, the amount of recyclable materials used and how easily the unit can be disassembled when it reaches end of life. Bronze, Silver, and Gold ratings are achieved if the device meets all required criteria and a certain percentage of optional criteria. Used in NYS as a requirement for microcomputer acquisition. |
EVT | Electronic Value Transfer | The acceptance of credit/charge cards, debit cards and other electronic funds transfer for payment of financial obligations to the state’s authorized users (e.g. fines, fees, taxes, etc.). |
FAR | Federal Acquisition Regulation | The primary regulation for executive agencies of the federal government regulating their acquisition of goods and services with appropriated funds. |
FEIN | Federal Employer Identification Number | The number assigned to a business unit or individual for purposes of withholding tax. (Also known as EIN – Employer Identification Number.) |
FERPA | Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act | Protects the privacy of student education records. “Education records” are “those records, files documents, and other materials which 1) contain information directly related to a student; and 2) are maintained by an educational institution”. Examples: Grades, courses taken, schedule, test scores, advising records, educational services received, disciplinary actions, student identification number, Social Security number, student private email. FERPA applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. FERPA requirements guidance. |
FIFO | First-in, First-out | An accounting method of valuing inventory based on the ending inventory cost of the most recent material received and the cost of goods sold as the cost of the oldest purchases including beginning inventory. Compare with LIFO. |
FISMA | Federal Information Security Management Act | The Federal Information Security Management Act of 2014 ("FISMA", 44 U.S.C. § 355441, et seq.). FISMA requires each federal agency to document and report major security incidents and data breaches to the data and information systems that support the operations and assets of the agency, including those provided or managed by another agency, contractor, or other source. |
FOB | Free On Board | FOB, Free on Board, is a transportation term that indicates that the price for goods includes delivery at the Seller’s expense to a specified point and no further. The FOB term is used with an identified physical location to determine 1) the responsibility and basis for payment of freight charges, and 2) the point at which title for the shipment passes from Seller to Buyer. In NYS centralized contracts, though responsibility for payment will sometimes change, FOB Destination is the standard term with the contractor always having responsibility and ownership of goods in transit and for filing any claims for product damage or loss. A quick reference guide to various terms of sale are at the end of this document. |
FOIA | Freedom of Information Act | The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) generally provides that any person has the right to request access to federal agency records or information except to the extent the records are protected from disclosure by any of nine exemptions contained in the law or by one of three special law enforcement record exclusions. |
FOIL | Freedom of Information Law | New York State’s Freedom of Information Law (Public Officers Law §87 et. seq.) allows members of the public to access records of governmental agencies. FOIL provides a process for the review and copying of an agency’s records (known in other jurisdictions as FOIA). |
FPR | Final Procurement Record | Documentation of the decisions made and the approach taken in the procurement process. |
FTE | Full Time Equivalent | Full-Time Equivalent is a way to measure a worker's involvement in a project, or a student's enrollment at an educational institution. An FTE of 1.0 means that the person is equivalent to a full-time worker; while an FTE of 0.5 signals that the worker is only half-time. Typically, different scales are used to calibrate this number, depending on the type of institution (schools, industry, research) and scope of the report (personnel cost, productivity). Usually used in Procurement Services’ contracts as a unit for pricing. |
FYE | Fiscal Year End | The end of an accounting period that covers the previous 12-month period. New York State’s FYE is March 31st covering the period April 1st to March 31st. |
GSA | U.S. General Services Administration | Federal agency that establishes purchasing contracts for use by Federal agencies. These contracts are often used either as the basis for contract pricing of state contracts or to benchmark pricing. |
HBITS | Hourly Based Information Technology Services | Centralized contract in which pre-approved contractors provide trained staff in specified IT job titles to provide consultant and other IT services on an hourly basis in response to an approved Task Order Request Form. |
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act | Its applicability in centralized contracts usually is in terms of data and information security and the responsibility of the state and contractor to protect such data and information. |
IaaS | Infrastructure as a Service | IaaS is a form of cloud computing that provides virtualized computing resources over the internet. IaaS is one of the three main categories of cloud computing services, alongside software as a service (SaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS). The capability provided to the authorized user is to provision processing, storage, networks, and other fundamental computing resources where the authorized user is able to deploy and run arbitrary software, which can include operating systems and applications. The authorized user does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure but has control over operating systems, storage, deployed applications, and possibly limited control of select networking components (e.g., host firewalls). |
IAS | Information Advisory Services | Contract area providing advisory services on a wide range of information technology areas on a subscription basis. Offerings may include: research, publications, or other written reports as well as access to industry analysts for advice on specific information technology. The advisory services are intended to enhance authorized users’ decision making. |
ID/IQ | Indefinite Delivery / Indefinite Quantity | ID/IQ is a contract type used when exact delivery times and/or quantities are not known when the contract is solicited and awarded. |
IFB | Invitation for Bid | A type of bid document which is most typically used where requirements can be stated and award will be made based on lowest price to the responsive and responsible bidder(s). |
IFF | Industrial Funding Fee | The Industrial Funding Fee is a fee to cover GSA's cost of operating the Federal Supply Schedules (FSS) program. This fee is a fixed percentage of reported sales under GSA & VA Schedule contracts that is paid quarterly by contractors. Currently .75% (or ¾ of 1%). |
IG | Inspector General | IG or OIG refers to the State Inspector General (or equivalent in other jurisdictions). In New York State, the OIG operates under the authority of New York State Executive Law Article 4-A with a mission to detect, investigate, deter and eliminate corruption, fraud, criminal activity, conflicts of interest, abuses of office, and waste in the State entities under their jurisdiction. |
IP | Intellectual Property | Includes inventions, patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trademarks, technical data, industrial designs that are generally protected and proprietary. |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization | (ISO) is an international standard-setting body composed of representatives from various national standards organizations. The organization promotes worldwide proprietary, industrial and commercial standards. Many technical specifications in bid documents reference various ISO standards. |
ISO | Independent System Operator | An ISO is an organization formed at the recommendation of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). In the areas where an ISO is established, it coordinates, controls and monitors the operation of the electrical power system, usually within a single U.S. state, but sometimes encompassing multiple states. In New York, the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) operates competitive wholesale markets to manage the flow of electricity across New York—from the power producers who generate it to the local utilities that deliver it to residents and businesses. |
ISP | Internet Service Provider | An organization that provides services for accessing, using, or participating in the Internet. |
IT | Information Technology | Technology involving computers (hardware & software), telecommunications, networks, the Internet, etc. Includes, but is not limited to, all electronic technology systems and services, automated information handling, system design and analysis, conversion of data, computer programming, information storage and retrieval, telecommunications which include voice, video, and data communications, requisite system controls, simulation, electronic commerce, and all related interactions between people and machines. |
JIT | Just in Time | A scheduling system that minimizes inventory by having material arrive just as it is about to be put in use. |
LATS | Leave & Accruals Tracking System | Software application for time & attendance tracking system used for the majority of NYS agencies. |
LCC | Life Cycle Costing | A procurement evaluation technique which determines the total cost of acquisition, operation, maintenance and disposal of the items acquired; the lowest ownership cost during the time the item is in use wins. |
LCC | Life Cycle | From cradle to grave, a life cycle takes all phases of product ownership into consideration. |
LEAN | A method used to reduce unnecessary steps or activities in manufacturing or services and thereby improve efficiency and reduce error. | |
LEED | Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design | LEED is an ecology-oriented building certification program run under the auspices of the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). Many centralized contracts contain products that assist agencies in fulfilling their LEED certifications. |
LIFO | Last-in, First-out | An accounting method of valuing inventory based on the assumption that the last items purchased are the first sold. Compare with FIFO. |
LTL | Less than Truckload | A quantity of freight less than the amount necessary to constitute a truckload (TL). The freight rate is usually higher than for a full truckload. |
LTD | Life-to-Date | A period starting at the start date of a contract and ending at the current date. |
MBE | Minority-Owned Business Enterprise | New York State minority-owned business enterprise which has been certified by the Empire State Development, Division of Minority and Women’s Business Development (DMWBD). |
MCC | Merchant Category Codes | Codes established by the major credit card associations to differentiate and group merchants by the type of products or services they make available. MCC codes are used to allow or limit which type of merchants can be paid using the purchasing and/or travel cards. |
MFN | Most Favored Nation (Customer) | Most favored nation clauses (MFNs), sometimes also referred to as most favored customer clauses, are agreements in which a supplier agrees to treat a specific customer no worse than all others. Under most MFNs, a seller agrees to provide a product or service to a buyer at a price no higher than the price it provides to any other buyer, now or during the term of the agreement. New York State central contracts include MFNs to help reduce uncertainty about potential price fluctuations and to be treated as fairly as other states and large customers of the companies we do business with. |
MOQ | Minimum Order Quantity | The amount required to place an order. |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding | A quasi-contract generally entered between governmental agencies and private sector contractors who may be providing services to the government. It may also be entered between inter/intra government agencies and details the essence of the agreement between the parties but lacks the enforceability of a contract. |
MRO | Maintenance, Repair, Operations | MRO (maintenance, repair and operating supply) items are used in production and plant maintenance and can be items such as maintenance supplies, spare parts, and consumables used in the plant operation or production process. Though often small dollar value items, they are critical to facility operations. |
MPC | Model Procurement Code | A publication approved by the American Bar Association which sets forth procurement statutory principles and policy guidelines for managing and controlling the procurement of supplies, services and construction for public purposes; administrative and judicial remedies for the resolution of controversies relating to public contracts; and a set of ethical standards governing public and private participants in the procurement process. Many states have adopted the MPC and although NYS has not, the spirit and much of the code is built into the state's procurement laws and state finance law. |
MSDS | Materials Safety Data Sheet | A Materials Safety Data Sheet is a printed form containing data about the properties of a substance. It is intended to provide staff using the product with guidance on handling or working safely with the substance and includes physical characteristics of the substance such as melting point, boiling point and flashpoint, as well as toxicity, health effects, first aid procedures in the event of spillage or contact, and advice on storage and disposal. Data sheets should be accessible to all staff that work with the materials. Many organizations use databases to ensure up-to-date information on all dangerous goods, but particularly to ensure that data sheets are up to date so that staff dealing with the products can understand the risks and adopt the most appropriate protective equipment and safe handling procedures. |
MSLP | Manufacturer’s Suggested List Price | The published price which the manufacturer recommends be charged for the product to commercial customers. |
MSRP | Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price | The published price which the manufacturer recommends be charged for the product in a retail or commercial setting. MSRP is often used when dealing with a supply chain that is Manufacturer – Wholesaler – Retailer. MSLP and MSRP are often used interchangeably. |
MT | Motor Transport | Tractor Trailer type truck that delivers product (generally fuel) into storage tanks, typically more than 5500 gallons and commercial & industrial type deliveries. |
MWBE | Minority / Women-Owned Business Enterprise | Depending on context, MWBE may have one of two meanings: (a) A business enterprise that is New York State Certified as being both a minority-owned business enterprise (MBE) and a women-owned business enterprise (WBE). (b) A general reference to a number or group of business enterprises that are New York State Certified as being either MBEs or WBEs. |
N or NEG | Negotiated | A negotiated contract is a contract that governs services whose authorizing statutes require the Agency to select the performing entity using a process other than the use of competitive bids. One or more items must be evaluated, scored and/or negotiated to determine which entity will be awarded the contract. |
NAICS | North American Industry Classification System Code [Formerly known as SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) Code] | Classification of business established by type of activity for the purpose of facilitating the collection, tabulation, presentation, and analysis of data collected by various agencies of the United States government, state agencies, trade associations, and private research organizations for promoting uniformity and comparability in the presentation of statistical data relating to those establishments and their fields of endeavor. |
NASPO | National Association of State Procurement Officials | NASPO is a non-profit association dedicated to advancing public procurement through leadership, excellence, and integrity. It is made up of the directors of the central purchasing offices in each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the territories of the United States. NASPO is an organization that helps its members achieve success as public procurement leaders through the promotion of best practices, education, professional development, research, and innovative procurement strategies. |
NIGP | National Institute of Governmental Purchasing | National Institute of Government Purchasing (NIGP) is a nonprofit, educational, and technical assistance corporation of public purchasing agencies and activities at the federal, state, and local levels of government. It develops, supports and promotes the public procurement profession through educational and research programs, professional support, technical services, and advocacy initiatives. |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology | NIST is part of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Their portfolio of services for measurements, standards, and legal metrology provide solutions that ensure measurement traceability, enable quality assurance, and harmonize documentary standards and regulatory practices. NIST Special Publication 800-122 “Guide to Protecting the Confidentiality of Personally Identifiable Information (PII)” is one of the publications referenced within OGS contract. (https://csrc.nist.gov/publications/sp) |
NTE | Not-To-Exceed Price | The price listed on the published Contract price list. Contractor and/or Reseller cannot quote or sell a Product for more than the NTE Price. |
NYS | New York State | |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer | A producer of equipment from components usually bought from other manufacturers. |
OGS | Office of General Services | The Office of General Services is a New York State executive agency responsible for delivering a broad scope of critical services to agencies. This includes managing and leasing real property owned by the state and managing leases of private real estate for state purposes; architectural, engineering, and construction management services for buildings; administering a variety of support and distribution services like alternate fuel vehicles, interagency mail, surplus property disposal, USDA surplus food distribution to schools, and visitor assistance at various state facilities; shared administrative services in human resources and financial management; and centralized contracts for goods, services, and technology. |
OSC | Office of the State Comptroller | The New York State Comptroller is the State’s chief fiscal officer who, through various policies, procedures, and oversight activities, ensures that State and local governments use taxpayer money effectively and efficiently to promote the common good. The office in New York State. All centralized contracts initiated prior to April 1, 2012 (including any amendments & renewals) and all agency-specific contracts must receive approval by the Office of the State Comptroller. |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration | The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, an agency of the US government under the Department of Labor with the responsibility of ensuring safety at work and a healthful work environment. |
PaaS | Platform as a Service | PaaS is a cloud computing model in which a third-party provider delivers hardware and software tools -- usually those needed for application development -- to users over the internet. A PaaS provider hosts the hardware and software on its own infrastructure. Thus, PaaS frees users from having to install in-house hardware and software to develop or run a new application. The capability provided to the authorized user to deploy onto the Cloud Infrastructure authorized user-created or acquired applications created using programming languages and tools supported by the Contractor. The authorized user does not manage or control the underlying Cloud Infrastructure including network, servers, Operating Systems (OS), or storage, but has control over the deployed applications and possibly application hosting environment configurations. |
PBITS | Project Based Information Technology Consulting Services | A centralized contract providing consultant Information Technology services that are deliverable based rather than hourly, as covered in the HBITS contract. Services available are separated into three (3) distinct Lots based on project value. Services required by an Authorized User can be obtained via an expedited competitive Mini-Bid with a SOW. A Mini-Bid may include, but will not be limited to, projects requiring: analysis, data classification, design, development, testing, quality assurance, security, and associated customized training for IT based applications. Authorized User Agreements awarded as a result of Mini-Bids under this Centralized Contract will result in fixed-price deliverable-based agreements for IT Consulting Services. |
PCI | Payment Card Industry [PCI-DSS] | Credit card & debit card industry data security. PCI is usually used in conjunction with DSS (Data Security Standard) to represent PCI-DSS. This is an industry standard regarding the collection, transmission, and storage of electronic value transfer transaction data. |
PG | Procurement Guidelines | The Procurement Guidelines are established by the State Procurement Council pursuant to State Finance Law §161(2)(d). The Guidelines are designed to assist State agencies in making procurements efficiently and effectively by providing agency program and fiscal staff with a source of basic, systematic guidance about State procurement policies and practices. |
PGB | Piggyback | A procurement method utilizing any existing open-end contract of another governmental entity (federal government, agencies of other states, other public bodies, or other state agencies) to which the requesting agency was not an original party. Piggybacking normally requires prior approval by the CPO or approval authority described in the entities’ procurement rules. Generally, the originating entity will competitively award a contract that will include language allowing for other entities to utilize the contract, which may be to their advantage in terms of pricing, thereby gaining economies of scale that they would otherwise not receive if they competed on their own. |
PM | Purchasing Memorandum |
A Purchasing Memorandum (aka Contract Award Notification Update) is the notification document used by Procurement Services to announce an adjustment, modification, extension, or cancellation of a solicitation or contract. Within Procurement Services, there are different versions used for solicitations, existing contracts, and general information. (See CL) |
PMT | Portfolio Management Tool | The Portfolio Management Tool is a Microsoft Access based application and associated database to track and retain data for Procurement Services developed contracts. The PMT is intended to replace the PSG Project Status Tracking System. |
PNS | Purchaser Notification Service | The Purchaser Notification System provides notification, via e-mail, of information about Procurement Services’ commodities, services and technology contracts as well as other important procurement related information. This service is for government purchasers and others interested in receiving such notification. Purchasers must register online for this service and include the Product & Service Classification Codes for which notification is desired. Those interested may register at: https://online.ogs.ny.gov/pns/. |
PO | Purchase Order | The Authorized User’s fiscal form or format that is used when making a purchase (e.g., formal written Purchase Order, Procurement Card, electronic Purchase Order, or other authorized instrument). |
PPI | Producer Price Index | The Producer Price Index measures the average change in selling prices received by domestic producers of good and services over time. PPI’s measure price change from the perspective of the seller. (See also PI and CPI.) |
PI | Price Index | Usually refers to various numbers representing prices at a given time for a product or category of products as reported to the Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Government. Average price movements can be measured up or down from the monthly reports issued. Various price indices applicable to the service or commodity are used by OGS in adjusting price lists over the life of a contract. (See also PPI and CPI.) |
PR | Purchase Request | Document, within OGS Procurement Services, initiating a procurement. Using this document, a number is assigned to the procurement for tracking purposes. As the procurement proceeds, the assigned number becomes the identifying number of the solicitation and the award number if the procurement results in a contract. |
PS | Procurement Services | Procurement Services (OGS) is the state's centralized procurement office that manages nearly 1,500 contracts for commodities, services, and technology that are in demand by New York government agencies, local governments, school districts, and nonprofit organizations. |
PS | Preferred Source | Preferred Sources are established by NYS legislation to assist with and advance special social and economic goals by designating certain commodities and services produced by correctional industries, qualified, charitable, non-profit making agencies of the blind and severely disabled, as well as veteran workshops as preferred and first in the order of purchase. Currently the facilitating agencies for preferred sources are Corcraft, NYSPSP (Blind), and NYSID (Disabled). In other state procurement offices these programs are often referred to as “industry programs”. |
PTAC | Procurement Technical Assistance Center | PTAC was established to expand the number of business capable of participating in government contracts. The program is administered by DLA’s Office of Small Business in cooperation with states, local governments and nonprofit organizations. There are a number of PTAC offices based in various counties in New York State. OGS and other agencies assist PTAC in providing information to businesses at various trainings. |
PTP | Plan to Procure | All New York State agencies must submit a Plan to Procure (PTP) to the Office of Information Technology Services (OITS) for any purchases of technology and technology-related materials & services over $50,000 in value. |
PUB 1075 | IRS Publication 1075 | IRS Safeguards Program, Publication 1075, Tax Information Security Guidelines for Federal, State, and Local Agencies and Entities Pub1075 contains specific requirements for safeguarding federal tax information (current revision effective on Jan. 1, 2014). |
PWR | Prevailing Wage Rate | All public works and building service contracts require the payment of Prevailing Wages as established by law by the Department of Labor. DOL establishes prevailing wage rates by locality for the craft, trade, or occupation of the service employee. |
P&L | Profit and Loss | A statement used to assess a company’s performance and financial position. It lists income, costs and expenses, and the resulting net profit or loss during a specific period (quarter or annual). |
QA | Quality Assurance | The maintenance of a desired level of quality in a service or product, especially by means of attention to every stage of the process of delivery or production. |
QPL | Qualified Products List | A list of products that, because of the length of time required for test and evaluation, are tested in advance of procurement to determine which suppliers comply with the specification requirements. May also be so referred to as an "approved brands list." |
RFC | Request for Comment | The purpose for a Request for Comment is to solicit commentary and obtain vendor feedback on all bid requirements, and the terms & conditions of the proposal. OGS Procurement may use the feedback received as potential input to help update and finalize the overall requirements of a solicitation. |
RFI | Request for Information | A Request For Information provides a preliminary description of the program objectives and specifications and solicits input from offerers as to the availability of products and services to meet the agency's needs. |
RFID | Radio Frequency Identification | A system of marking products/inventory electronically so they can be located anywhere from a distant point. |
RFP | Request for Proposals | A type of bid document that is used for procurements where factors in addition to cost are considered and weighted in awarding the contract and where the method of award is “best value,” as defined by the New York State Finance Law. |
RFQ | Request for Quotations | A type of bid document that can be used when a formal Bid opening is not required (e.g., discretionary, sole source, single source, emergency purchases, or quoting within existing multiple award contracts). |
RIC | Regional Information Centers | There are 12 Regional Information Centers (RICs) in New York state, which are organized under the Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES). Typically, a RIC serves several BOCES within their region. |
RoHS | Restriction of Hazardous Substances | The European Union's directive, effective July 1, 2006, regarding six hazardous materials (lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers) used in the manufacture of electronic and electrical equipment. Often used by procurement organizations in their environmental/green procurement specification programs. |
ROI | Return on Investment | The return on investment, usually expressed as a percentage. Often used as a performance measure for the procurement office. |
SaaS | Software as a Service | SaaS is a software distribution model in which a third-party provider hosts applications and makes them available to customers over the Internet. SaaS is one of three main categories of cloud computing, alongside infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS). The capability provided to the Authorized User is to use the provider’s applications running on a cloud infrastructure. The applications are accessible from various client devices through a thin client interface such as a Web browser (e.g., Web-based email), or a program interface. The Authorized User does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure including network, servers, operating systems, storage, or even individual application capabilities, with the possible exception of limited user-specific application configuration settings. |
SB / SBE | Small Business / Small Business Enterprise | For the purposes of discretionary purchasing under SFL §163(6), a business which has a significant business presence in NYS, is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in its field, and employs no more than one hundred people. See Glossary of Commonly Used Procurement Terms for expanded definition based on Executive Law §310(20). Please note a Federal SBE does not necessarily qualify as a NYS SBE. |
SDVOB | Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business | A business enterprise that is New York State certified as being principally owned by a service-disabled veteran, with a service-connected disability rating of 10% or greater, who has authority to control independently the day-to-day business decision of the enterprise. The business must also qualify as a New York State small business. |
SFL | State Finance Laws | The consolidated laws of New York State (NYS). In particular, Article 11 of the NYS Finance Law covers guidelines for New York State Purchasing. |
SFS | Statewide Financial System | Electronic system used to initiate, process, and track financial transactions including, but not limited to, travel, purchasing, vendor payments, etc. |
SKU | Stock Keeping Unit | SKU is an identification, usually alphanumeric, of a product that allows it to be tracked for inventory purposes. (Sometimes confused with UPC, SKU’s are not “universal” since the retailer has its own set for inventory purposes.) |
SLA | Services Level Agreement | An agreement between a customer and a service provider that details the level of service and the quality of service to be provided. An SLA may be a legally binding agreement. |
SOW | Statement of Work | A detailed description of the specific services or tasks a Contractor is required to perform under a contract. SOW is usually incorporated in a contract, indirectly by reference or directly as an attachment. |
SME | Subject Matter Expert | The Subject Matter Expert is that individual who exhibits the highest level of expertise in performing a specialized job, task, or skill within the organization. A SME might be a software engineer, a helpdesk support operative, an accounts manager, a roads engineer, a scientific researcher: in short, anybody with in-depth knowledge of the subject you are attempting to document or procure. SMEs are important in the research phase of a documentation project (to get your facts straight), should also be involved in the technical validation of your drafts (to make sure that your interpretation of information matches theirs), and during the technical evaluation of solicitations offers. |
STS | Single Transaction Summary | A record of entry made in the Statewide Financial System that is provided to OSC (if applicable) when transaction approval is required. |
STSD | Single Transaction Summary Document | The form used to capture information to be entered in the Statewide Financial System (SFS). |
SVRQ | Standard Vendor Responsibility Questionnaire | Document completed by a vendor to supply information upon which to review, analyze, and determine if the vendor is to be considered a “responsible” vendor. The vendor Responsibility Questionnaire may be completed online on the OSC web site (recommended) or a paper copy can be downloaded from the OSC web site, completed, and submitted. |
SWOT | Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats | An analysis model used to identify an organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It is used to identify what it is doing well and where/how it can improve. This helps to outline objectives and define future actions. |
Ts and Cs | Terms and Conditions | A phrase generally applied to the rules under which all bids must be submitted and the stipulations included in most purchase contracts; often published by the purchasing authorities for the information of all potential vendors and contract users. |
T&M | Time & Materials | A contract which provides for the acquisition of supplies or services on a basis of direct labor hours at specified, fixed, hourly rates that include wages, overhead, profit, general and administrative expenses, and materials at cost. |
TCO | Total Cost of Ownership | A measure of all cost components associated with the procurement of a product or service. It is the sum of all fixed or variable costs attributable to a product or service including, but not limited to: purchase price, maintenance, training, licensing, operating expenses, final disposal. |
TCS | Telecommunication Connectivity Services | Centralized contract which covers three (3) Lots: Lot 1 - Voice Connectivity Services, Lot 2 - Data Connectivity Services, and Lot 3 - Mobile Communication Connectivity Services. Contractors can be awarded for one (1) or more Lots and each Lot can be awarded on either a statewide or county basis. Authorized Users can procure Telecommunication Connectivity Services by either a formal Request for Quotations (RFQ) resulting in an Authorized User Agreement or an informal request for quote process resulting in a Purchase Order (PO). |
TL | Truckload | A quantity of freight to which truckload rates apply or a shipment tendered as a truckload. (Also, see “Less-Than-Truckload”.) |
TW | Tank Wagon | Single chassis truck that delivers product (generally fuel) into storage tanks, usually less than 5500 gallons or residential type deliveries. |
UCC | Uniform Commercial Code | One of the uniform laws drafted by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws to simplify, clarify, and modernize the law governing commercial transactions, and to make uniform the laws among various jurisdictions. The UCC was passed with slight modifications by each US state thus establishing legal guidelines for commercial transactions. |
UL | Underwriter's Laboratory | A nonprofit product safety testing organization. |
UPC | Universal Product Code | UPC is internationally adopted, standard bar code symbology for product marking. The bar code symbols are fixed in length, can only encode numbers, and are continuous, using four element widths. UPC can be printed on packages and can be electronically read by scanning. (Sometimes confused with SKU, UPC’s are “universal” and the same product from multiple retailers will have the same UPC number but will likely have different SKUs.) |
UPPCC | Universal Public Procurement Certification Council | A council jointly established in 1978 by the National Institute of Government Purchasing and the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) to more effectively promote and ensure professionalism in public sector procurement. The functions of the Council are to: establish, monitor, and revise requirements for certification; continue research efforts relating to the certification of public buyers and procurement officers; coordinate with other NIGP and NASPO programs to further the certification of public procurement officers; do all things necessary and proper to promote and ensure professionalism in public procurement. (See also CPPO and CPPB.) Realizing that procurement standards and norms should be the same in all public purchasing environments, the UPPCC certification programs have been established to meet the requirements of all public purchasing personnel in federal, state, and local governments. As such the UPPCC through its requirements for certification has established a uniform procurement body of knowledge which is the basis for applicant training, testing, and certification. |
VAR | Value Added Reseller | Value Added Reseller is a vendor that receives payment for completing a service or delivering a good under a centralized contract. VARs are entered into SFS and listed “under” a Master Contract and are then authorized to receive payment directly from the Office of the State Comptroller. |
VIN | Vendor Identification Number | Is a unique New York State ten-digit vendor identification number (Vendor ID - VIN) issued by the Office of the State Comptroller, that is assigned to a bidder and/or an authorized reseller of a bidder, for use on all payment transactions with New York State. |
VOCs | Volatile Organic Compounds | Compounds that evaporate easily at room temperature and often have a sharp smell. They can come from many products, such as office equipment, adhesives, carpeting, upholstery, paints, solvents, and cleaning products. Some VOCs can cause cancer in certain situations, especially when they are concentrated indoors. VOCs also create ozone, a harmful outdoor air pollutant. Procurement contracts often include terms and conditions regarding reduction or when possible, elimination of VOCs from products acquired from contracts. |
WBE | Women-Owned Business Enterprise | New York State Women-Owned business enterprise which has been certified by the Empire State Development, Division of Minority and Women-Owned Business Development (DMWBD). |
WC | Workers' Compensation | Workers' Compensation is insurance that provides cash benefits and/or medical care for workers who are injured or become ill as a direct result of their job. Employers pay for this insurance and shall not require the employee to contribute to the cost of compensation. Interested Bidders are required to provide proof of Worker’s Compensation at the time of a Bid submission. |
WCB | Workers' Compensation Board | The thirteen-member Board & the agency charged with administering the Workers' Compensation Law, and the Disability Benefits Law. |
XaaS | Anything as a Service | XaaS is a collective term said to stand for a number of things including "X as a service", "anything as a service", or "everything as a service." The acronym refers to an increasing number of services that are delivered over the Internet rather than provided locally or on-site. Examples include but are not limited to: Big Data/Data Mining as a Service; Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery as a Service (BC/DRaaS); Data Center as a Service (DCaaS); Hosted Call Center as a Service (HCCaaS); Managed Security Services as a Service (MSSaaS); Storage as a Service (STaaS). |
YTD | Year-to-date | A period starting at the beginning of the current fiscal year, and ending at the current date. |
Terms of Sale/Purchase identify the passage of title and are typically expressed as “FOB*, stated point or place." In their most simple and usual expression, they appear as FOB Origin or FOB destination.
*FOB or Free On Board definition provided in the acronym table above.
FOB Origin means that title to the merchandise passes at time and place of pick-up.
FOB Destination means that title to the merchandise passes at time and place of delivery.
FOB Origin |
FOB Destination Seller — Pays freight charges Seller — Bears freight charges Seller — Owns goods in transit Seller — Files claims (if any) |
FOB Origin, Freight Collect Buyer— Pays freight charges Buyer — Bears freight charges Buyer — Owns goods in transit Buyer — Files claims (if any) |
FOB Destination, Freight Collect Buyer — Pays freight charges Buyer — Bears freight charges Seller — Owns goods in transit Seller — Files claims (if any) |
FOB Origin, Freight Prepaid Seller — Pays freight charges Seller — Bears freight charges Buyer — Owns goods in transit Buyer — Files claims (if any) |
FOB Destination, Freight Collect & Allow Buyer — Pays freight charges Seller — Bears freight charges Seller — Owns goods in transit Seller — Files claims (if any) |
FOB Origin, Freight Prepaid & Add Seller — Pays freight charges Buyer — Bears freight charges Buyer — Owns goods in transit Buyer — Files claims (if any) |
FOB Destination, Freight Prepaid Seller — Pays freight charges Seller — Bears freight charges Seller — Owns goods in transit Seller — Files claims (if any) |