Downtown Albany Employee Parking System Overview

Parking System Overview

Please note that it is critical that employees reflect updated and current contact information in their Employee Parking Profiles in order to ensure that they receive timely information, including permit offers. Permit offers are sent via profile holders’ email, so please be sure to include a valid email address.


Mission Statement:

The primary goal of the OGS Employee Parking System is to provide a fair and equitable platform by which state employees can review, assess, and make educated choices as to which parking facility is best suited to their needs and attainable by their state service seniority. The system places the power in the hands of the employee by providing real time data such as number of spaces available and the Parking Service Date required to obtain a parking permit in each available location. It is through the system’s tenets of seniority and preference, and by use of the tools provided to its users, that OGS strives to achieve its ultimate goal of providing parking options for all state employees who wish to pursue them.

It is important to note that participation in the OGS Employee Parking Program is voluntary, and that employees can enroll or cancel membership at any time.

Employee Parking Profile:

The Employee Parking Profile (EPP) is the key that unlocks the OGS Employee Parking System. By creating an EPP employees now have the ability to select a parking location preference that suits their particular needs and is within the scope of their Parking Service Date.    

Parking Service Date:

Seniority is one of the major cornerstones of the OGS Employee Parking System. It is through employee seniority that we ensure equity and fairness in the issuance of parking permits. Your Parking Service Date (PSD) is the driving factor in your eligibility for the parking locations offered. An employee’s PSD is based on the most generous standard possible; all state service (less breaks of 1 year or more) combined to generate one all-inclusive date. It is that date which employees use to ascertain eligibility and identify attainable locations which coincide with their years of service. The parking facility eligibility dates are provided on the Status Report.       

Status Report:

Status Reports are updated and posted on the Monday of the week in which the round of parking permit issuance is announced. The Status Report will reflect number of spaces available by location, and projected permit eligibility dates based on current employee parking preferences. Two subsequent updated Status Reports will be posted on the Wednesday and Friday of that same week, reflecting updates to eligibility dates impacted by employee preference changes made in their Employee Parking Profiles.

Parking Permit Offers – Rounds of Permit Issuance:

After the Updated Status Report is posted, the following Monday emailed parking permit offers will be sent to employees whose Parking Service Dates fall within those required in the location they have chosen as their preferred lot. (In cases in which a Monday falls on a state holiday, offers will be extended on the following workday.) Dates of the rounds of parking permit issuance and updated Status Reports are announced on the OGS Parking Management website.

Employees on Leave:

Employees planning to be on leave the week OGS begins extending permit offers should contact their Agency Parking Coordinators to grant them permission to accept or decline an offer on their behalf.

Declination Policy:

It is important to note that failure to respond to permit offers within the specified timeframe of 3 business days will be recorded as a ‘declination.’ Two declinations for the same location will disqualify the employee from competing for a permit in that specific parking facility for 6 months.

“I Choose to Stay in My Current Parking”:

Employees who are happy with their current parking situation are encouraged to choose the first preference in the drop-down preference list, “I choose to stay in my current parking”. This will prevent employees from receiving unwanted permit offers and will expedite OGS’s ability to reach eligible and interested employees more quickly.