How to Cancel Your Permit
If you wish to cancel your permit, you must fill-out and submit a Payroll Cancellation Form. Please note, if you are cancelling your permit because you are currently working from home, once you return to work you will need to request a new parking permit through your Employee Parking Profile. A new permit will be issued based on your parking preference, availability, and parking service date. There is no assurance that you will be issued a permit in the same location you previously held.
OGS Parking Management
Room 144, Concourse
Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12242
[email protected]
Phone: 518-474-8118 Fax: 518-474-0111
Employee Parking Resources
The program is available for 2 – 4 patrons per vehicle.
Visitor parking lot information and rates.
Spaces are assigned on a case-by-case basis.
Participation information and application
How downtown Albany employee parking works.