When submitting your agency’s/building’s fuel requirements, please pay close attention to the following:
- Make sure your contact information is current. Please review the information associated with your delivery site and update it if necessary. Include anything that is missing (including phone numbers and email addresses) and remove information of any person who no longer works at the delivery site. If there are issues with your filing or in awarding a contract, Procurement Services will be unable to contact you if the information is out of date, which could result in your requirements being omitted from the delivery schedule and the final award.
- Participation in a Firm Supply Contract (fixed or indexed priced) or an Interruptible Supply Contract at an indexed price is at the sole discretion of the customer.
- All required volumes must be submitted in dekatherms (divide therms by 10 to get dekatherms).
- When submitting your filed requirements, OGS recommends using actual volumes from utility statements for the most accurate anticipation of future volume.
- Enter only one-year (12 months) volume for each fuel type you require.
- It is also important to select the balancing type for your gas delivery (daily or monthly).
- Please print a copy of your confirmation page for your records.
Filed Requirement = the user’s estimated 12-month volume of gas listed for each month based on anticipated and/or historical need.
Nomination = a more specific volume of close to actual gas consumption anticipated by the user provided to the ESCO at the beginning of each month.
Balancing = the ESCO true up of the difference between the user’s monthly nomination and gas actually consumed. This is performed on either a daily or monthly basis and covers both overages and underutilization.
It is important to include the utility company’s account number and not the ESCO's account number when filing your requirements. NYSEG Customers need to include the NYSEG POD number as well. Both are available from your utility company representative.
Each contract type has distinct characteristics and requires specific customer commitments and obligations. The more significant aspects of each contract type are described below.
Fixed Price - Firm Supply
- The customer will receive "firm" supply.
- The customer will pay for quantities actually used.
- The customer will pay one final price for the life of the contract.
- The contractor is the responsible for all balancing to the burner tip.
Indexed Price - Firm Supply
- The customer will receive "firm" supply.
- The customer will pay for quantities actually used.
- The commodity price for natural gas will vary monthly based on the NY Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) futures commodity prices. A fixed "basis cost" will be added to the commodity price to determine each month's indexed price. Prices are revised and released by OGS Procurement Services monthly.
- The contractor is the responsible for all balancing to the burner tip.
Indexed Price - Interruptible Supply
- The customer must have 100% dual fuel capability.
- The commodity price for natural gas will vary monthly based on the NY Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) futures commodity price. A fixed "basis cost" will be added to the commodity price to determine each month's indexed price. Prices are revised and released by OGS Procurement Services monthly.
- Customers in an interruptible service can only implement alternate fuel usage if zero nomination is submitted to the Contractor as specified in the Solicitation.
By filing your fuel requirements, you are giving consent to OGS Procurement Services to award contracts on behalf of your facility for the full contract period.
Please note: Once your requirements have been submitted, your agency is obligated to purchase its required fuel from the fuel vendor that is awarded a contract for that fuel type and delivery location. YOU MUST NOT ENTER INTO ANY OTHER CONTRACT FOR AWARDED FUEL TYPES DURING THE FULL CONTRACT PERIOD.
For assistance, please contact OGS Customer Services at (518) 474-6717 or email to [email protected].
Requirements must be submitted no later than Friday, March 22, 2019.
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Procurement Services Customer Services