To All Contractors:
OGS reminds contractors of the requirement to obtain prior approval before advertising or marketing your OGS contract to state and non-state agency customers. OGS recognizes the value of proactive marketing to maximize the benefit of a centralized contract. However, in accordance with Section 20 of Appendix B (May 2006 version) contractors are prohibited from using advertising, press or media releases stating that they hold a New York State contract, unless they have requested and received prior written approval from the Office of General Services. All requests for approval of such advertisements should be forwarded to the Purchasing Officer referenced on the Contract Award. Contractors shall ensure that their authorized resellers, dealers and /or distributors comply with this policy.
In situations where an award is issued to multiple contractors, such advertisements must specify that the contractor is one of multiple contractors who offer the same or similar goods or services and that all advertising must be strictly in accordance with the contract terms and conditions.
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