Electronic Application for Preferred Source Services
There is a new preferred source services application. To expedite review, OGS has developed an electronic application for price concurrence for the purchase of services from Preferred Sources that cost more than $50,000. Effective July 01, 2017, all new applications must be submitted using this new electronic format. OGS will accept applications in the old format until August 01, 2017 to allow purchasing agencies, preferred sources and the facilitating entities to complete existing applications that are in process. The new application forms increase the purchasing agency’s involvement in the application process. The new application, as well as an overview of the forms are available at: https://nyspro.ogs.ny.gov/content/buying-preferred-source-0 under the General Resources menu.
OGS will conduct a training webinar on July 19, 2017 at 1pm to explain how to use the new application. The webinar will be available at: https://meetny.webex.com/meetny/onstage/g.php?MTID=eb7f054bd10b6b42098959f347c88c9be. The phone number for the conference is US Toll Free: 1-844-633-8697 or Local: 1-518-549-0500. The event access code is: 641476323.
Any additional information on the webinar will be posted on the Preferred Source webpage: https://nyspro.ogs.ny.gov/content/buying-preferred-source-0. The webinar will be recorded and available on the website noted above.
Prohibition of Subcontracting Under the Preferred Source Program
OGS has determined that the subcontracting of preferred services to a private company that is not a preferred source is impermissible under the competitive bidding requirements of SFL § 163. In addition, OGS finds no authority under SFL § 162 to approve a preferred source application that includes the subcontracting of services that are not approved preferred source services. Any Preferred Source application eligible for approval that contains subcontracting will be approved conditioned on the removal of the subcontracted piece, as long as the remainder of the application meets review requirements.
The list of preferred source offerings is available at https://nyspro.ogs.ny.gov/content/buying-preferred-source-0.
OGS remains committed to the preferred source program and looks forward to your continued cooperation to ensure that the opportunities provided to individuals with disabilities are offered to governmental entities in harmony with the State Finance Law.
If you have any questions please contact the OGS Preferred Sources Team at: [email protected].