Building Hours
Monday - Friday
7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Visitor Management Procedure
- Visitors must be pre-approved and entered by the agency representative into the Passage Point Visitor Management System.
- All visitors must present an OGS-issued security photo identification card or a driver’s license photo ID to be issued a visitor pass through the VMS.
- New York State vendors and contractors will be treated as visitors and are subject to visitor access protocols.
- If the visitor does not have photo ID, an agency staff member must come to the security desk to verify the visitor’s identity and take responsibility of visitor.
- Visitor must stop at guard desk, announce themselves, state purpose of visit, and the agency where they have an appointment.
- A photo ID must be presented.
- Visitor is photographed and receives visitor pass.
- All visitors 17 years of age or older will be required to produce a valid photo ID.
- After completion of business visitor returns visitor pass to guard desk or to designated receptacles.
Acceptable Proofs of Identification for Admittance to OGS Facilities:
When identification is required, the following is a list of the acceptable proofs of identification for admittance to OGS facilities. All such forms of identification must include a clear photograph of the individual and be unexpired.
1. U.S. Passport or a U.S. Passport Card
2. Permanent Resident Card or an Alien Receipt Card (Form I-551)
3. Foreign passport
4. Driver’s license or non-driver ID card issued by a state or possession of the U.S.
5. Other government-issued ID card issued by a state or possession of the U.S. (including a NYS employee ID card)
6. U.S. Military ID card, or
7. U.S. Military dependent’s ID card
Individuals 16 years old and under do not have to produce proof of identification but must be accompanied by an adult with acceptable proof of identification.
→See also Photo ID Requirements in OGS Buildings Frequently Asked Questions.
Public Transportation
Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA) provides bus service to the Empire State Plaza. Some of the buses that service the facility include routes 214, 224, 233, 519, 530, and NX. For more information and scheduling, visit the CDTA website at:
Bicycle Storage
New York State Employees: P2 North, Swipe Access (Must see your Agency ID Card Representative to request access)
General Public use: Free standing bike racks are positioned outside each building at the Empire State Plaza. These are free-standing and do not require special access.
Food & Services
Yazi's Cafe
- 1st Floor
- Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
- Download Menu
Space Rental: See Application for Use of OGS-Managed State Property