Title: Charles Coofer II
Artist: John Stevenson
Date: n.d.
Medium: fabric collage with charcoal and colored pastels on card
Dimensions: 40 x 30 inches
Accession Number: H07.01
Title: Man in Gray Sweatshirt
Artist: John Stevenson
Date: n.d.
Medium: fabric collage with charcoal and colored pastels on card
Dimensions: 40 x 30 inches
Accession Number: H07.03
Title: Pugilists
Artist: John Stevenson
Date: 1986
Medium: compound string, charcoal, tempera and silhouetted paper figures
Dimensions: 29 x 56 inches
Accession Number: H07.29
Title: Two Boxers
Artist: John Stevenson
Date: 1968-1970
Medium: charcoal, pastel, metallic pigment on silhouetted paper over collage of fabric and painted paper, in shadow-box frame
Dimensions: Image: 23 ½ x 35 ½ inches; Framed: 25 x 37 inches
Accession Number: H07.28
Title: Untitled
Artist: John Stevenson
Date: n.d.
Medium: pastel and chalk on paper mounted on paper
Dimensions: Image size: 43 ¾ x 29 ½ inches; Framed: 45 ½ x 31 ½ inches
Accession Number: H07.02
Title: Untitled (Corey, Alice and Ace)
Artist: John Stevenson
Date: n.d.
Medium: collage of fabric, pencil, pastel and crayon on two framed sheets in shadow box
Dimensions: 20 x 77 inches
Accession Number: H07.31
Title: Untitled: a pair
Artist: John Stevenson
Date: n.d.
Medium: Painted plinths with a painted column with articulated black figures and sofa with a painted compound string and detached figure along with two model signs, one attached watermelon
Dimensions: Plinths, overall: 40 x 12 x 12 inches; Column, height: 19 ½ inches
Accession Number: H07.30
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