September 21 – 27
Car-Free for Climate

Car-Free for Climate (#NYSCarFree) is an event to promote and celebrate more sustainable modes of transportation. It is taking place from September 21st thru September 27th, and you can participate by taking the pledge to not drive your car at least one day during that time period.

Go Car-Free For Climate Take the Pledge #NYSCarFree

[NOTE: COVID-19 is still a risk. While not driving your vehicle to participate in the Car-Free for Climate event, please follow all New York State Department of Health and CDC guidelines regarding preventing the transmission of COVID-19, including wearing a mask, practicing social distancing, and washing your hands for at least 20 seconds.]


Reasons to Go Car-Free

Transportation represents the largest source of New York State's greenhouse gas emissions and the largest part of most New Yorker's personal carbon footprint as well. This is why it is critically important that we all lower our emissions from transportation in order to meet our nation-leading, economy-wide greenhouse gas emission reduction goals of 40% of 1990 emission levels by 2030, 85% by 2050, and ultimately net-zero. Learn more about the impacts of climate change in New York.

Graphic displaying the percentages of greenhouses gases in NYS.


Reasons to Participate

By not driving to participate in Car-Free for Climate, you'll be joining thousands of fellow New Yorkers in directly improving our environment, and you may discover that you don't need to drive every day as well.

Plus, you may find a new way of getting around that is both relaxing and enjoyable!

How to Participate
Take the Pledge

Take the pledge to have your emissions reductions count towards our overall total! It just takes a minute. Note: you can pledge to not drive anywhere from one day to all seven days during the week.

Don't Drive

Simply don’t drive the day(s) that you pledged not to. Alternatives include combining trips on other days, using options such as walking/biking, or even teleworking.


In a safe manner, take a selfie and post it to social media using #NYSCarFree to let everyone know about your commitment to making a difference by going car-free!