List of Agency and Authority Sustainability Coordinators
Agency/Authority | Sustainability Coordinator |
AGING - Office for the Aging | Olga Swartz |
AGM - Dept. of Agriculture and Markets | Lisa Brooks |
APA - Adirondack Park Agency | Elaine Caldwell |
ARTS - Council on the Arts | Brenda Brown |
BFSA - Buffalo Financial Stability Authority | Nathan D. Miller Nikita Fortune |
BOE - Board of Elections | Thomas Jarose |
BPCA - Battery Park City Authority | Sarah Fisher Curtain |
CDTA - Capital District Transportation Authority | Jeremy Smith Stacy Sansky |
CENTRO - Central New York Regional Transportation Authority | David Caraccio |
CIVIL - Department of Civil Service | Alexis Glindmyer |
COELIG - Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government | Sarah Giacomini |
CPB - Central Pines Barrens Joint Planning & Policy Commission | Judith Jakobsen |
CUNY - City University of New York | Tria Case |
DASNY - Dormitory Authority of New York | Joe Christian |
DCJS - Division of Criminal Justice Services | Shane Burke |
DEC - Department of Environmental Conservation | Brendan Woodruff |
DFS - Department of Financial Services | Tim Curran |
DHR - Division of Human Rights | Bryan Bagstad Mike Mahoney |
DHSES - Dept. of Homeland Security and Emergency Services | Mike Matthews |
DMV - Department of Motor Vehicles | Maureen Rhodes |
DOB - Division of Budget | Perry Haight |
DOCCS - Department of Corrections and Community Supervision | Marc Sanford |
DOH - Dept. of Health | Jessica DiPrima Rocky Irish |
DOS - Department of State | Luann Hart Charles McElrath |
DOT - Dept. of Transportation | Carolyn Ryan |
DPS - Dept. of Public Service | Kevin Sauerbier |
ECFSA - Erie County Fiscal Stability Authority | Susan L Pawlik |
ECMC - Erie County Medical Center | Fransisco Hidalgo |
EFC - Environmental Facilities Corporation | Brian Hahn |
ESD - Empire State Development | Rebecca Miller Timothy Kirchgraber |
FCB - Financial Control Board | Barbara Marin |
GAMING - Gaming Commission | Christine Carpenter |
GOER - Governor Office of Employee Relations | Ed Cottrell |
HCR - Homes and Community Renewal | Tim Austin |
HESC - Higher Education Services Corporation | Kayla Devine Bernard O'Connor |
HRBRRD - Hudson River-Black River Regulating District | Stephanie Ruzycky |
HRVG - Hudson River Valley Greenway | Elizabeth Campochiaro |
IG - Office of Inspector General | Peter Amorosa Patrick Whitford |
ITS - Information Technology Services | Thomas Fetcinko |
JC - Justice Center | Zach Rutnik |
LABOR - Dept. of Labor | Linda Murray |
LIPA - Long Island Power Authority | Louisa Chan |
MNA - Division of Military and Naval Affairs | Jeffrey Desart |
MTA - Metropolitan Transportation Authority | Eric Wilson Projjal Dutta |
NFTA - Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority | Emma Hoffritz |
NIFA - Nassau County Interim Finance Authority | Kathie Stella |
NYCCOC - Jacob K. Javits Center - New York Convention Center Operating Corporation | Yashi Dadhich |
NYPA - New York Power Authority | Alexandra Leader |
NYSBA - NYS Bridge Authority | Tonya Ash |
NYSCC - Canal Corporation | Lisa Wright Melinda Lepage |
NYSERDA - NYS Energy Research and Development Authority | Heather Saunders |
NYSIF - NYS Insurance Fund | Maureen Jukes |
OASAS - Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services | Loletha Patterson |
OCFS - Office of Child and Family Services | Barbara Kruzansky Rhiannon Yoworski |
OGDENSBURG - Ogdensburg Bridge and Port Authority | James Chase |
OGS - Office of General Services | Julie Takakjian |
OMH - Office of Mental Health | Erin Ceccucci |
OPDV - Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence | Kimberly Bobb Stevie Hunter |
OPRHP - Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation | Gabby Cebadamora Diane Berto |
OPWDD - Office for People with Developmental Disabilities | Rich Abdou |
ORDA - Olympic Regional Development Authority | Kirk Bassarab |
OTDA - Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance | Jack Currier Matthew Devane |
OVS - Office of Victim Services | Tammy Althiser |
PERB - Public Employment Relations Board | Kate Koslow |
PORTOSWEGO - Port of Oswego Authority | William Scriber |
RTS - Regional Transit Service | David Belaskas Melissa Thomas Erin McCormick |
RIOC - Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation of the State of New York | Jeugee Perez |
SLA - State Liquor Authority | Casey Bullis Jason Gough |
SUNY - State University of New York | Karren Bee-Donohoe Carter Strickland Sadie Ross |
TAX - Dept. of Tax and Finance | Chris Chiesa |
THRUWAY - Thruway Authority | Erika Beardsley |
TROOPERS - NYS Police | Edward Whitty David Bosworth |
UNDC - United Nations Development Corporation | Justin Handman |
VS - Division of Veterans' Services | Anne Amedure |
WCB - Workers Compensation Board | Valerie Vanderwal |
WMC - Westchester Medical Center | Massimo Ropo |