GreenNY Purchasing Requirements and Tools

Approved Specifications

The green procurement lists and specifications of commodities, services, and technology are for use by state agencies during a procurement. The specifications identify product criteria that will:

  • Reduce or eliminate the health and environmental risks from the use or release of toxic substances;
  • Minimize the risks of the discharge of pollutants into the environment;
  • Minimize the volume and toxicity of packaging;
  • Maximize the use of recycled content and sustainably managed renewable resources; and
  • Provide other environmental and health benefits.


see all approved specifications

Tentatively Approved Specifications

The GreenNY Council selects priority categories of commodities, services, and technology for the development of green product specifications. The following tentative green specifications are open for public comment prior to full adoption.


see all tentatively approved specifications

Find Green Products

Preferred Sources or Centralized Contract

The GreenNY Council partners with OGS Procurement Services to identify products available on Centralized Contract and from Preferred Sources that meet the state's Sustainability Product Specifications. Green your purchases by using the tools below to identify products that meet green specifications.


find green products

Become a Green Purchasing Community

Simple Changes, Big Impact
Green Purchasing Communities Logo


New York State's NEW Green Purchasing Communities program makes it easy for local governments* to buy products and services with a lower environmental impact. Once you apply and your application is approved, you will become a Green Purchasing Community Member and get recognized for your commitment. *Note: This is a program for local governments and does not apply to state agencies.