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State MWBE and SDVOB Contracting Opportunities | How can MWBEs and SDVOBs participate in government procurements? This session will overview the New York State MWBE and SDVOB requirements, how to navigate government agencies and authorities, and how to participate in discretionary awards. The session will also provide key information for outreach and recruitment techniques for private companies with diversity goals. Moderator Panelists |
Buying Green in New York State | Come hear from leaders in the field on how your agency can find, purchase, and track the procurement of green products. In this session, presenters will review the current state of environmentally preferable purchasing, as well as give a behind-the-scenes look into ongoing projects that are designed to help procurement officers find sustainable items. The presentations will close out with an eye toward future projects in the pipeline that will further enable green purchasing. Presenters |
Procurement Rules for Local Governments and School Districts | This session overviews General Municipal Law, Section 103 and the exceptions to competitive bidding. The discussion will include how to procure professional services, emergency contracts, “piggybacking” on other governmental contracts, and contracts below the statutory dollar threshold. Presenters |
How to Procure with Preferred Sources | This session provides guidance on how to procure goods and services with approved NYS Preferred Sources. Preferred Sources include Corcraft, NYSPSP and NYSID. Moderator Panelists |
PBITS and HBITS: Optimizing Your IT Services Procurement | Learn the most efficient way to procure IT Services using OGS's Project Based IT Services (PBITS) and Hourly Based IT Services (HBITS) centralized contracts. The session will review selection criteria, implementation and monitoring strategies, and evaluation techniques when using these contracts. Presenters |
Best Practices in Contract Management | Contract management is a critical part of the overall contract life cycle. Experts will share select contract management activities and other strategies for effectively overseeing contracts after they are awarded. This session will provide information on contract assignments, price changes, how to hold the vendor accountable, and other contract management activities. Presenters |
Introduction to the NYS Contract Reporter | Learn how to place ads in the New York State Contract Reporter so they can be accessed by the contractor community, along with other guidance and best practices for ad placement and promotion. Presenter |
Procurement Solutions Through the General Services Administration (GSA) Contracts | Come and meet your GSA representatives Kyle McGlade and Debbie Paralemos-Kandilas, and learn how to save time using GSA's federal contracts. GSA offers you access to a multitude of pre-vetted contracts, all supported by a nationwide network of experts, as well as a suite of online tools you can use to research and acquire the solutions you need. This workshop will outline the simple steps to take to access these programs, and the guidelines for their use to help you streamline your acquisition processes. Presenter |
Writing a Successful Scope of Work | Learn the elements of developing a good scope of work and how it relates to a successful procurement. Understand the purposes of a precisely written scope of work and how it can reduce risk and ultimately save money. This session will be valuable both to public procurement professionals who are developing solicitations as well as private businesses, including small businesses, MWBEs, and SDVOBs, who respond to the solicitations. Presenters |
Design and Construction Opportunities at OGS | NYS Office of General Services has construction projects in over 60 counties throughout New York. In addition, OGS is managing five, over $100M projects. Meet key leaders from OGS’ Design and Construction service units and identify some new opportunities for your company for 2025. Presenters |
Using Reverse Auctions in Your Procurements | This session will describe what a Reverse Auction is and how you can incorporate this procurement tool into your portfolio management. Topics will include an overview of the auction tools, how they are conducted, and why they can be beneficial in public procurement. Presenters |
Using the OGS Centralized Contract Vendor Feedback System | OGS uses a Centralized Contract Vendor Feedback System to manage contracts. This session will show you the ins and outs of that system and help you better understand how to navigate it. This session is designed for procurement professionals. Vendors are encouraged to attend and learn how vendor feedback can be applied and integrated into their customer satisfaction programs. Remarks Presenter |
Food Procurement Requirements and Strategies for NY State Agencies See also New York Products for Institutional Buyers | Learn about special food procurement considerations for New York State agencies. OGS will review the procurement laws, rules, protocols, and reporting requirements associated with food purchases. NYS Ag & Markets staff will explain Executive Order 32 and review the resources available to State agencies in identifying and sourcing NY State food. Moderator Panelists |
Understanding NYS OGS Centralized Contracts with Filed Requirements – Fuels, and Road Salt | Learn how OGS Procurement Services determines authorized users’ purchasing needs for fuels, and road salt to solicit bids and award contracts. Authorized users will learn how to communicate their purchasing needs to OGS to achieve savings. This session will also help you better understand your contractual obligations when making these purchases. Presenters |
Evaluation and Negotiation: A Practical Guide | Best value solicitations inevitably involve clarification and interactions with prospective suppliers in order to deliver the actual best value for our governments. Planning for how to be successful in these activities includes an understanding of where power resides for the buyer and the seller, how to manage the discussions, and how to establish an evaluation process that aligns with the lies in these goals. Lanier leads a fun and provocative session. Presenter |
Watch Recording: New York State Mega Projects – NYS Procurement Opportunities | New York State’s Mega projects bring many procurement opportunities, as well as challenges. Hear from lead economic development, procurement, and business diversity experts from major development projects, upstate, downstate, mid-state, and interstate, and learn their techniques and approaches to compete successfully for procurement opportunities on these projects. Moderator Remarks Panelists |
BSC Purchasing Introductory Overview | This session provides a look at the role of OGS Business Service Center in supporting its customers with buying goods and services in New York State. The session will provide an overview of the requirements and procedures for processing purchases, including necessary documentation, and will review the common pitfalls and how to avoid them. The session is an introductory class for new requestors and buyers who are BSC customers. Presenters |
Introduction to Procurement Certifications: UPPCC & NIGP | In this session, procurement professionals share their insights and experiences regarding procurement certifications and their value in their professional development. Learn more about which certifications make more dollars and sense in the purchasing sector. Moderator Presenters |
NYS Procurement Guidelines | New to State government procurement or looking for a refresher on the State's Procurement Guidelines? Learn about the procurement methods available to state agencies and when to use them. This includes Preferred Sources, centralized contracts, and agency contracts. Presenters |
NYS Insurance Requirements: Understanding Terms, Coverages, and Provisions | This session will provide a basic understanding of insurance terms, what to look for on a certificate of insurance from your contractors, and how insurance requirements impact the contracting process. The discussion will include important requirements to consider in establishing a contract’s insurance requirements. Presenters |
OGS IT Umbrella Manufacturer and Distributor Contracts | This session provides an overview of OGS IT Manufacturing Umbrella and Distributor contracts. It covers areas such as products and services available, the most efficient way to procure hardware, software, cloud, and implementation services, and how to navigate common challenges. Presenters |
Relationship Management in Procurement | Establishing mutually beneficial relationships with key stakeholders is essential to successful public procurement. This session will provide best practices in establishing and maintaining relationships with both government stakeholders and suppliers in procurement. Presenter |
Providing Linguistically Responsive Services in New York State* *A recording of this key session is coming soon. | This moderated discussion will explore the different authorized user perspectives, including applicability of wide array of services under the contract and process to become an authorized user. We would cover questions such as the following: This moderated discussion will explore the different authorized user perspectives, including applicability of wide array of services under the contract and process to become an authorized user. We would cover questions such as the following:
Moderator Panelists |
Speed up Your IT Procurement with COMeT | Learn how to purchase from the IT Umbrella Manufacturer contract using the Centralized Online Management for eProcurement Tool (COMeT). COMeT is a new tool designed to make the Request for Quote (RFQ) process easier than ever before. Learn how to utilize this system when drafting, releasing, and awarding RFQs. Presenters |
NYS Contract Terms and Conditions | This session provides an overview of the structure and scope of New York State Contract Terms and Conditions. More specifically, it looks at the difference between statutory and non-statutory terms and conditions (Appendix A and B), how these are incorporated into OGS contracts, what is negotiable and what is not, and how and when vendors can provide feedback on terms and conditions without negatively impacting the procurement process. Presenter |
How to Use Game Theory to Improve Your Negotiation Outcomes | Many companies overpay for their procurement spend because suppliers do not have the right incentives to lower their prices. Traditional negotiation techniques accompanied by recent inflationary trends have prevented buyers from taking advantage of the leverage in their supply base, and prices have remained high, leaving value on the table. The good news is game theory can help. In this session, attendees will learn the fundamentals of game theory and how it can help buyers gain the upper hand in their negotiations and drive savings and other commercial value. Presenter |
Purchasing Zero Emission Vehicles and Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure | This session will focus on procurement of zero emission vehicles (ZEVs) and electric vehicle charging infrastructure (EVSE) in light of the State fleet’s electrification goals. Fleet managers, operations and facilities staff, and procurement officers will learn about current ZEV offerings on statewide contract, as well as several approaches for purchasing and installing EVSE. Moderator Panelists |