Quorum and Majority
General Construction Law § 41, which governs quorum and majority requirements of public bodies, provides that quorum and majority are “a majority of the whole number” of the body. The Procurement Council consists of 21 members. In accordance with the General Construction Law, quorum and majority for the Procurement Council is 11 members. Therefore, the Procurement Council requires a quorum of 11 members to act, and a majority of the total number of Procurement Council members (at least 11) for a motion to pass.
Robert’s Rules of Order will be used as a general guide during New York State Procurement Council meetings. Procurement Council members may, during a discussion on a topic, be asked by the Chair of the Procurement Council to make a motion or may, on their own initiative, say “I move that…”
Types of Motions
- Main Motions may be made: to approve; to disapprove; or to otherwise conduct the business of the Procurement Council. Only one Main Motion may be considered at any one time.
- Secondary Motions may be made to a Main Motion such as: to amend; to table until the next meeting; or to call the question, etc. (Such motions must be germane to the Main Motion and may not completely reverse the intent of the Main Motion.)
If a Secondary Motion is made to a Main Motion, that motion, if duly seconded, will be considered prior to considering the Main Motion. Voting on the Main Motion will occur only if necessary (i.e., it would not be necessary if a Secondary Motion tabled the Main Motion but would be necessary if the Secondary Motion only amended the Main Motion.).
Each motion must receive a second before it can be advanced. Once a motion has been seconded, the Chair will call for any discussion of the motion.
Once there is a second and any discussion has been held, a vote will be taken.
- A Main Motion must be moved, seconded, and restated by the Chair (for clarity) before it may be voted on.
- If you want to move, second or speak to a motion, raise your hand and wait to be called upon by the Chair.
- If you approve the content of the motion, vote for it.
- If you disapprove of the content of the motion, vote against it.
- If you approve of the idea of the content of the motion but want to change it, move to amend it.
- If you want further advice or information to help you make your decision, make a motion to table.
- If you think that further discussion is unnecessary, move to “call the question.”
- If you think the Council should give further consideration to a motion previously acted upon, make a motion for the previous motion to be reconsidered.
- All communication shall be directed through the Chair; not communicated directly to another member of the Council.