Consultant Bid Opportunities

Architectural, Engineering and Land Surveying Services: To be considered for these types of opportunities, firms must submit a letter of interest responding to all requirements identified the solicitation and additional requirements documentation available for download on the OGS website. All submitted material becomes the property of the State and will not be returned.

Construction Management, Hazardous Materials Sampling, Materials Testing and Miscellaneous Services: To be considered for these types of opportunities, firms must review OGS' Request For Proposal (RFP) or Information For Bid (IFB) documents, and submit a response in accordance with the instructions in the corresponding RFP or IFB opportunity. These documents are available for download on the Current Consultant Services Opportunities list.


Consultant Bid Opportunities

Consultant Contract and Bidding Documents for Download

Effective February 2020, OGS Design & Construction (D&C) has implemented the use of Infotech’s Bid Express® service for electronic processing of all architectural, engineering, and surveying (i.e., qualifications-based) consultant procurements. Such consultant vendors are able to use the service to download Request for Qualifications (RFQ) packages, upload proposals, and obtain status updates.

Please note that, at this time, D&C will not be implementing the Bid Express service for “best-value” procurements (Request For Proposals - RFPs) or “lowest price” procurements (Invitation For Bids - IFBs). RFPs and IFBs are used to procure construction management services, testing services and design-build contracts.


How to acquire contract documents: 

Bidding and contract documents for OGS D&C projects are available for download from Infotech Bid Express® service. Vendors wishing to view/download bid documents, and/or bid online, must complete a one-time registration for the Bid Express® service.

Registration along with viewing, downloading, and electronic bidding can be accessed at the following link:


Bid Express


Note: There is no fee to register or submit a bid using Bid Express®. All vendors who intend to submit their bids electronically will be required to install the Infotech Express Sign Tool and generate an Infotech Digital ID for their business’ authorized signer(s). Please allow seven business days to obtain the Digital ID. Please see the following Digital ID policy ( for additional time-sensitive information. If there are any questions, please contact Bid Express® Customer Support at 888-352-2439 or [email protected]; or OGS Consultant Procurement at 518-474-0306 or [email protected].

OGS will continue to maintain the Interested Subs/Suppliers information on the OGS website until further notice, and this feature will not be available on Bid Express. As in the past, vendors looking for partnering opportunities are encouraged to visit the OGS website:

Consultant Contract Awards & Active Contracts

Design Procedures Manual

The Design Procedures Manual (DPM) has been prepared to assist Project Managers (PM) and Consultant/Designers in the design and documentation of OGS D&C projects. The DPM provides direction and guidance with regard to D&C and state agency requirements. The DPM also provides expectations for the delivery of services for design services work performed for D&C. 


Design Procedures Manual


Master Specifications

Index of D&C Master Specifications and contractual legal requirements: 


Master specifications



Drawing Standards

Standard OGS CAD/REVIT Drawing Templates

Download Templates

Green Building Design

Consultant Procurement Forms

Consultant Contract Forms

All forms for consultant contract management and reporting, including: 

  • Code review, permits, code inspections
  • Design
  • Term service contract payment forms
  • Estimating
  • MWBE


consultant contract forms


Vendor Login and Registration

Contact Design & Construction

Contact us by phone:

Contract Management:518-474-0201
Contract Awards Unit:518-474-0203
Consultant Procurement: 518-474-0306

Contact us by email:

Mailing Address:

New York State Office of General Services

Design and Construction

Division of Contract Management

35th Floor, Corning Tower

Empire State Plaza

Albany, NY 12242

Contact us by fax:

Contract Management: 518-486-1650
Contract Awards Unit: 518-473-7862